The Neddiad: How Neddie Took the Train, Went to Hollywood, and Saved Civilization by Daniel Pinkwater

​If you’re looking for fast paced, this is not your book. However, if you are interested in a boy, a train ride across the country in 1940, old movies and a clay turtle which might just possibly be the key to saving the world you are in luck. To give you the flavor of this story, Melvin, the shaman gives over the clay turtle to Iggy and offers this advice, “Chillax, baby shaman. You’re destined to save the world, so whatever you do—even when you’re doing things wrong—is working towards that destiny. Go eat a donut. Hang out with your friends. Visit the circus. It’s all good.” It is all good indeed.


Adventure/Survival, Fantasy/Science Fiction, Humor for Grade(s)

The Neddiad: How Neddie Took the Train, Went to Hollywood, and Saved Civilization by Daniel Pinkwater (Adventure/Survival, Fantasy/Science Fiction, Humor adventure fantasy humor for Grade/s)